Love is untethered. Fear is untethered. Love is scary, but if you reel your heart back in as it drifts toward love; isn’t that the same as controlling the one thing that defines existence? The uncontrolled. The fear that creating memories with someone you love can threaten your youth and the idea of freedom is untrue. Love only threatens your fears, not your freedom. Love is swift and love is an uneasy path, but love is worth it, fuck.......heartbreak is worth it. Why fear the future when the present is so beautiful, why dwell on past experiences when the person in front of you is worth your breath. Let go of your fears. Give in to your uncontrolled love and if the other person doesn’t love you back. They lost. You won and learned that love wins. Over and over it wins. You can’t control it. It has no match. It feels no boundaries. Love with all your heart and you will find someone who loves you for the uncontrolled love you bring and they will reciprocate that love every damn day. Uncontrolled love is infinite and unique and it never runs out! The cosmic kind of love. Yup, I want that. I shall manifest it and let go of my fears! “My fears” do not deserve space in my mind. So let's subract “my” and make them simply “fears.” Let someone else carry those burdens. I relieve you of your fear keeping duties, you are dismissed have a nice, and fearless life. For fears do not control you, or me. Love controls me. I am love and love is freedom.